Indian youth grin and beer it
Beer has always been perceived as a young drink; something meant for frat parties, college reunions or the best companion for a late night game on TV. But with the emergence of newer and better brands, and an improvement in its perception, things are getting more sophisticated.
Beer connoisseurs are raving about the variety with regards to types and brands; from German wheat beers to the Irish stout to Belgian monk-brewed beers, the globe trotting Indian is finding it all in his backyard now. Talking about this lager renaissance, Pankil Shah, co-owner of Mumbai’s Woodside Inn says, “For the longest time, beer in India was synonymous with Kingfisher. Things started looking up after the international brands entered the scene. So today, when you have the world’s leading brands, the user gets to sample beer of the highest pedigree.”
And that, in turn, leads to the aura of sophistication and class that surrounds every pint. And not only have beers improved, it has also seen a growth in the clientele. “We used to have beer only when it became too hot for anything else, or when out clubbing. But for the last few months, I’ve been having beer even when I’m out with my boss for a formal dinner. It’s light, and you can have a couple of drinks and still talk sense. And even the boss doesn’t consider it inappropriate,” says advertising executive Clint Fernandes.
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