Make every Web page a chat forum
People love being part of forums. In more ways than one, a forum provides an avenue for them to express, learn and communicate, and in many cases, they’re one of the few places people run to when they’re stuck or in need of aid.
How sad must it be for them, then, when they find out that finding the right community and message board to address their issues can sometimes be a pain to hunt. Well, Indian developer Anuj Jain has obviously been listening to their moans and pleas, and he has a very simple, and very elegant solution — just keep a separate message board for each Web page on the side, but omnipresent. And he does this in the form of a Google Chrome extension, Chatterati.
Put simply, that’s all there is to Chatterati. Consider this: You’re on Flipkart page for a good book or a gadget. Using the extension, you can get instant forum-like access to comments and discussions that other Chatterati users have been having about the product, all the while leaving the page itself unscathed. In many cases, it can be both a lifesaver and a conversation-starter. It just decentralises the idea of a forum and throws all the unnecessary muck out of the windows. They even have a feedback and scoring system.
The only thing stopping this extension at the moment is user awareness. If it sounds good to you, try it at:
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