Why power makes one feel taller
Thoughts are very powerful. They amplify the sense of achievement and make you feel stronger. And if you feel powerful, chances are you feel taller as well. Power not only makes people feel strong, it makes them feel taller and bigger, suggests a new study.
According to researchers from Washington University in St. Louis, powerful people tend to think they’re taller than they really are. The report is based on a series of experiments that have confirmed that there is a direct relationship between feelings of power and our own perception of how tall we are.
There is definitely a co-relation between the two. When people feel powerful, they automatically feel expansive, says Dr Rajat Mitra, director of Swanchetan Society for Mental health. He adds, “The sense of expansion comes from the sense of achievement. Similarly, when you are less powerful, you feel you are shrinking. So if the feelings of shame and humiliation make you feel dwarfed, feelings of triumph and accomplishment expand you internally.”
“My sense of power comes from achievements,” says Leonard Fernandes, co-founder of CinnamonTeal Publishing. “I do stand upright when I have achieved something and that, I guess, is a manifestation of me feeling taller. I feel big when I feel empowered. It’s addictive. I always feel the need to keep proving myself and every achievement makes me feel taller.”
Actor Anshuman Jha, who got popular with Love Sex Aur Dhokha, is not very tall physically, but believes that fame boosts confidence, which in turn makes you realise your energy. “It gives you the sense of being in power/control and maybe feel grander or taller. I feel I’m tall, so what if I’m just 5’9, which I guess stems from confidence. The mind of course plays a big role. When people appreciate my work, it definitely brings a sense of power and expansion,” explains Jha.
There’s a direct relationship between self-image and what you look like. Anugrah Kumar, a Delhi-based freelance journalist, confesses to having had a lower (not low) self-esteem until a few years ago. But when his self-image improved, he started feeling taller. “When we feel powerful, we feel on top of the world. I think it’s true at the subconscious level. Size does matter as we associate power with size. Our perception of ourselves does affect how we look and grow.”
However, experts warn that it’s a fleeting feeling. It doesn’t last forever. “It’s difficult to maintain the emotions. Many go into the state of depression when the feeling of powerfulness comes crashing and they begin to feel shrivelled,” cautions Dr Mitra.
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