Engage, feel, get involved
What is the role of a guru today? My role is not to give solace to people. I am here to awaken people to the highest possibility that they deserve and are capable of. The whole purpose of the spiritual science is to awaken a human being to his/her ultimate possibility, so that s/he lives a full life on all levels — physically, mentally,
emotionally, spiritually — and becomes a complete human being; because the very purpose of life is to experience life in its fullest depth and dimension. But right now in the name of spirituality, people have gone about teaching as to how to avoid life. People are talking about solace, people are talking about contentment, people are talking about non-attachment or withdrawing from life.
But life can only be experienced with involvement. The deeper your involvement with life, the more you will know about life. So spirituality means ultimate involvement with life, not withdrawal from life. The only way to experience life is to involve yourself, but people have fear of involvement because they have fear of entanglement. And people have fear of entanglement only because their involvement is very discriminatory. Now, if I’m only involved with you and nothing else around me, invariably I will get entangled with you. But if your involvement is so indiscriminate that with everything that you are in touch with right now, the air that you breathe, the earth that you are walking on, and everything that you can see, hear, touch, smell and taste, you are absolutely involved with, then this will leave you ecstatic, free from everything and there will be no fear of entanglement at all.
Fear is not a natural state anyway. Fear is something that you have cultivated because of limited perception. So, if your ability to see life as it is, is enhanced, as your perception is enhanced, as you see life with more and more clarity, and there will be less and less fear. Fear is not something you need to handle. What you need to bring into your life is clarity. The whole science of yoga is focused towards this, to enhance your perception to the ultimate possibility.
In yoga, we see Shiva as the Adi Yogi and the Adi Guru. That means he is the first yogi and the first Guru. Shiva is always depicted as one with a third eye. A third eye does not mean he is a freak with a crack in his forehead… It simply means that his perception has reached its ultimate possibility. So the clearer your perception is, the more fear disappears from your life.
— Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, a yogi, is a visionary, humanitarian and a prominent spiritual leader. An author, poet, and internationally-renowned speaker, Sadhguru’s wit and piercing logic provoke and widen our perception of life. He can be contacted at www.ishafoundation.org
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