Let woman be human too
Man has double standards — worshipping the goddess who is an imaginery woman, and treating the real woman as a sex object. What could be the reason?
Osho has made some insightful observations on man’s psyche. He says that the basic problem is that man is jealous of woman. Don’t be shocked, because we are made to believe just the opposite — that women are weaklings, the fairer sex, beauties without brains. These labels, popularised by men, were invented just so men could control women.
The reason of male jealousy is very interesting: the capacity of the woman to give birth to a new life. Imagine the cave man who knew nothing about the laws of nature. When he saw a tiny human form coming out of his mate’s body, he was in awe.
It was magic and this frail female was the one who could perform it, while the strong, muscular male could not. This was the beginning of woman’s oppression. Men felt inferior in front of their better halves. And it is a psychological fact that the one who feels
inferior tries to show his superiority.
The jealousy doesn’t stop at reproductive capacity, it extends to other areas, too. Man, down the ages, has been destroying the woman’s genius, talents and skills so that he can prove himself superior — to himself and to the world. He could do so because he had muscular power. Physically, he was stronger than the woman and life was hard; it required physically strength to do the chores.
The term “man power” has originated from this situation. There is no term like “woman power” because women were not considered powerful at all.
Another aspect where man feels inferior is regarding his sexual structure. His sex totally depends on erection; if there’s no erection, there’s no fulfilment. This is such a helpless condition that he feels he is a toy in the hands of nature. He may want to make love mentally but if the body doesn’t cooperate he cannot do it. His sex remains cerebral.
So inferiority complex combined with genital structure makes the man violent, more violent than the animal.
If we really want women to be protected, men have to be taught some cathartic meditations which will clean their unconscious, will teach them how to love. This will make men more relaxed about their sexuality, and the result will be instantaneous — it will make women fearless because now they will be, finally, interacting with an equal human being, not a creature trying to cover his inferiority with physical aggression.
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