Time to recharge
Each one of us has a corresponding star, from where we have come and where we return to after every birth. We are a reflection of that unique star. With every passing moment, the heat of the stars is reducing. Every new birth, every new year, every new day, every new hour marks a reduction in the energy of your star. Your energy, the energy of your star, the energy of the sun and the energy of the creation are reducing despite the fact that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This energy is simply changing form. That is why the form of human being today is not the same as what it was 500 years ago and the form of humans back then was not the same as the form of rishis 5,000 years ago (heat then was much more than it is now). This is the reason why the wisdom of the Vedic seers has been eroded in the present age, as there is hardly anyone who possesses the heat to receive, understand and act upon that wisdom. (In my book The Ageless Dimension, I explain kriyas through which one can harness the energy of the sun and other stars from one’s body. Just close your eyes, take your awareness to the heart centre and from here release a whitish pink light into your near and dear ones, the planet earth and creation at large, and watch how these blessings crawl their way back to you.)
The more this energy, this heat is reducing, the more we are moving towards artificiality. Four hundred years ago children used to receive specialised training in various art forms — painting, dance, music, warfare, etc. Even till 100 years ago, girls used to acquire different skills to be considered fit to run a household. Compare this with boys and girls today who lead an unreal life in an unreal world — a world of videogames, computers and mobile phones. This is taking them away from nature and into artificiality.
Today, pollution has reached its peak. We have forgotten our culture, which prescribes peace with and the preservation of nature. Plants and animals are being abused and exploited. Just think about it: Most people today are unaware of reality, so will pass on the gyan to the next generation? This is how the gyan of rishis is getting lost.
With a new year beginning, you can take your self further away or turn the clock of time by moving back to our culture, to nature. This year take responsibility for the state of creation, of flora and fauna and re-instil respect for your parents. Then your new year will be magical, full of blessings and prosperity.
Yogi Ashwini, the guiding light of Dhyan Foundation, is an authority on yoga, tantra and the Vedic sciences.
Contact him at dhyan@dhyanfoundation.com
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