Why are we corrupt?
The report released by Transparency International ranks India as one of the most corrupt nations in the world. No Indian is surprised at this because we don’t need an international agency to show us a mirror to our own reality. We live with this pain daily.
One of the biggest causes of corruption is greed and power which usually thrive in societies where ethical and moral standards are weak and where punishment is lenient (punishing authorities play an important role in perpetuating or discouraging corruption).
We can’t get rid of corruption without a clear vision. We are only treating the symptoms without going to its causes. Poverty may be one of the causes, but it’s not the only cause. What, for example, compels rich people to amass money by foul means?
Look at our history — there are so many stories of corruption at the highest level of power. Basically, corruption is an ingredient of the unevolved human mind.
Can corruption be eradicated? Yes, if the mind is more evolved, more mature than it is right now.
Look deeply into this phenomenon: In every dishonest deal there are two parties involved –– the giver and the receiver. Who is more punishable?
If we ask the enlightened masters, they have a different take on the issue. Osho cites the story of Chinese master Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism.
Lao Tzu was made the chief justice of the Supreme Court of China. He pleaded with the emperor that he is not the right man. But the emperor knew that Lao was the wisest man alive, so he wanted to benefit from his consciousness.
Lao Tzu said, “My judgment will come from my wisdom. And your judgments cannot be adjusted to my judgments.” The emperor remained stubborn.
The first case came. A thief was caught red-handed in the richest man’s house. Lao Tzu listened to both the sides, pondered for a moment and then gave his verdict: “Both of you, you and the man whose house has been rolled, are criminals. The rich man has collected so much money that almost 50 per cent of the wealth of the city is in his possession. This situation creates the possibility of stealing. This thief is in fact a victim; you are the criminal. But I will be just: six months of jail for both.”
The emperor said, “This is a very strange judgment.”
Lao Tzu said, “It is not. If people were living in harmony with nature, if people were compassionate to each other, if they felt a certain brotherhood with each other, how could there be rich people and poor people? There should only be people.”
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