Above The Line noteworthy
Above The Line and Sun Strikes worked well when the horses were exercised at Malakpet race course here on Sunday morning.
800 m: Invincible India (Sequeira) 1-3, 600/48.
1,000m: Above The Line (Kuldeep Singh), Sun Strikes (B. Mukesh) 1-15, 800/57, 600/43, both pleased. The Leader (Sequeira) 1-19, 800/1-3, 600/47, easy. Anacostia (Kuldeep Singh), Walnut Creek (rb) 1-19, 800/1-1, 600/46, both handy and level.
1,200 m: Coral Gables (B Mukesh) 1-34, 1000/1-17, 800/57, 600/44, unextended.
Noted On Saturday:
600 m: Front Line (Gary Carter) (1200/600) 47, eased up.
800 m: Airborne Magic (rb) 1-1, 600/46, unextended. Trail Blazer (S. Nayak) 1-0, 600/45, handy. Queens Craft (R Umesh), Fearless Mission (rb) 59, 600/44, former to note. Splendid Act (RB Shinde) 57, 600/43, pushed. The Best Man (K. Anil) 1-1, 600/45, handy. Zenas (RB Shinde) 1-0, 600/46, moved well. Handsome Hawk (Laxman) 58, 600/44, maintains form. Zenas (RB Shinde) 1-0, 600/46, moved well. Silkroute (K. Anil), Premiership (B. Dileep) 1-0, 600/45, both handy and level. Glen Gyle (A. Joshi) 58, 600/44, in fine trim. Samsonite (RB Shinde) 58, 600/43, good. Handsome Hunk (Ravinder Singh) 58, 600/44, fit and well. Grande Comore (Kuldeep Singh), Lake King (B. Mukesh) 1-1, 600/47, moved together. Ace Star (rb) 1-2, 600/46, moved well. Glorious Bay (RB Shinde), Home Town (rb) 1-0, 600/45, both level. Dazzling Princess (P Sai Kumar), Aarohan (B Shanker) 1-2, 600/47, former finished in front. Celtic Rose (N Rawal), Commanding Heights (Laxman) 58, 600/43, former to note. Golden Queen (Harinder Singh) 1-4, 600/48, moved freely. Toli Toli Toli (G Sai Vamshi) 1-1, 600/47, handy.Grand Connection (rb) 58, 600/44, good. Transformation (N Rawal),
Fine Racer (Laxman) 1-0, 600/45, both well in hand. Maid For Love (rb), Inspiring Tunes (rb) 1-1, 600/46, former finished a length in front. Scarlet Jewel (R Umesh), Friendly Equation (rb) 59, 600/44, former moved well. Sharp Single (rb) 1-2, 600/48, easy.
1,000m: Guiding Light (rb) 1-16.5, 800/57.5, 600/43.5, in good form. Genius Empress (Ravinder Singh) 1-18, 1-0, 600/46, moved well. Price Warrior (B Dileep), Best Pal (K. Anil) 1-16, 800/59, 600/44, both maintains form. Lambourn (Deepshanker) 1-17, 800/1-1, 600/47, well in hand.
1,200 m: Rose Queen (Gary Carter) 1-28, 1000/1-13, 800/1-1, 600/47, eased up. Regal View (Laxmikanth), Dangerously Armed (rb) 1-32, 1000/1-17, 800/1-0, 600/45, former moved better. Yours Truly (Sequeira), Fortune Art (Ashhad Asber) 1-30, 1000/1-15, 800/59, 600/46, both urged in the last furlong and finished level.
1,400 m: Green Thumb (rb) 1-49 (1400/400) 1-16, not extended. Surya Lakshmi (Ravinder Singh) 1-47, 1200/1-30, 1000/1-15, 800/1-0, 600/46, moved at half pace. Immense (rb) 1-47, 1200/1-32, 1000/1-16, 800/1-1, 600/46, moved on the bit.
1,600 m: Aloisia (R. Umesh), Iaepetus (Sequeira) 2-2, 1400/1-47, 1200/1-30, 1000/1-15, 800/58, 600/44, a fit pair.
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