Stress causes impotency
Occasional episodes of impotence, or erectile dysfunction, are common in men. When impotence is a recurring problem, it can harm a man’s self-image and affect his relationships.
What is impotence?
A common problem, impotence is defined as an inability to achieve or maintain an erection adequate for sexual intercourse. Normally, when a man becomes sexually aroused, his penis increases in size, becoming erect and rigid, enabling sexual penetration.
Relationship with age
The incidence of impotence increases with age. Less than 1 per cent of the male population under 30 years of age is affected, 7 per cent between 45 and 55 years, 25 per cent at age 65, and up to 75 per cent in men 80 years old.
Causes of Impotence
Stress, anxiety or depression can lead to impotence. Other causes have to do with physical conditions, disease, or trauma. Among these, diabetes mellitus is the largest culprit.
What you can do
Fortunately, impotence often can be treated successfully:
n Limit alcohol. Alcohol can damage your sex life.
n Quit smoking. Smoking is the biggest known cause of hardening of arteries.
n Exercise regularly. Regular walking, swimming, aerobics keeps blood vessels and nerves in good health.
n Reduce stress. Consider yoga, meditation, biofeedback to keep your adrenaline levels down, if you value your sex life.
The writer is Senior Specialist, Safdarjung Hospital and Professor, VM Medical College
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