Stress triggers teeth gnashing at night
Grinding or gnashing of teeth during sleep is a common problem. One in five normal people suffer from this malady without ever knowing about it, as they simply sleep through it. So, let’s hunt for the truth and find solutions.
Dump the worm theory:
There are many popular explanations and theories on what leads to this noisy grinding of teeth. Worms are the most popular, but scientifically, equally untenable. So, do not repeat dose after dose of a de-worming medication just because you rattle your teeth at night.
Bust the stress:
Psychological stress is the most common culprit. Stress of any kind, be it at work, with spouse or family, can produce and accentuate this
Soak your mind in pleasant thoughts:
Make bedtime a pleasant and stress-free event. Do not watch any violent or suspense-ridden programme or movie on TV before retiring for the night. Consider reading something relaxing, watching a cartoon strip or talking to your spouse about pleasant things you both cherish.
Consult a dentist:
Sometimes, it’s a dental condition that makes you chomp in your sleep. This can happen due to extra cusp in a tooth, improper dental filling or improper dental restoration. The dentist can correct the defect.
The writer is Senior Specialist, Safdarjung Hospital and Professor, VM Medical College and a well-known columnist
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