Detractors of B.S. Yeddyurappa beware! They could soon be in for a taste of divine wrath if they still try to ‘backstab’ and conspire against the beleaguered former CM. Yeddyurappa who was ousted from power in July last year, has seen his fortunes declining since then and had to undergo a 24-day jail stint—for which he squarely blames his enemies in the BJP and outside the party. Now fighting a series of land and mining scam cases from the Lokayukta court to the Supreme Court, the ex-CM’s efforts to make a comeback as CM are growing dimmer with each passing day.
Realising the need for divine intervention, family members, friends and fans of BSY performed the Ekadasa Maha Rudra Yaga at Male Mahadeshwara Temple at Kallahalli in Mandya on Monday. Sources said it was intended to ward off trouble for the former CM and destroy his rivals and their families!!!
Kalika Math pontiff Yogeshwara Rushikumar Swamiji conducted the three-hour ritual and invoked Maha Kali to destroy those conspiring against Yeddyurappa. “The Maha Rudra Yaga is performed for peace, well-being and destruction of evil forces haunting an individual(in this case Yeddyurappa). I am not in favour or against BSY. If he has not done anything wrong, he will come clean and regain his lost glory while the people who conspired against him will suffer. But if Yeddyurappa has done anything unlawful, he will suffer 100 times more than what he deserves”, the pontiff said.
The results of the Maha Rudra Yaga will become obvious in 48 days. Yeddyurappa will either come clean or go to jail based on whether he is innocent or guilty. “I asked his family before conducting the ritual if they were confident Yeddyurappa had not done anything wrong and they said yes”, the seer said.
The former CM’s nephew Rajesh, his wife Jagadamba, children Chandan Raj and Karan Raj participated in the ritual along with hundreds of his supporters. Holy sand from Siddaganga Math in Tumkur, Kudalasangama in Bagalkot and Bookanakere were brought and used for the ritual. When contacted, Rajesh said, “He was forced to resign as CM based on mere allegations. We prayed to god to give him the strength to win the legal battle and fight his enemies”. Mandya Yeddyurappa Fans Association chief, Jitendra, who organised the ritual, said: “Yeddyurappa had said he was in Rajakeeya Vanavasa (political oblivion) for the past eight months. We performed the yaga to help him emerge from Vanavasa and teach his rivals a lesson”.