The festive spirit is in the air and Diwali is round the corner. Besides the celebrations and gaiety of the season, it’s also time for generosity and sharing. Many Delhiites are doing their bit for the society on this auspicious occasion.
With a lot of NGOs supporting local artisans and underprivileged communities, many people have now started purchasing Diwali gift items from organisations that work for such groups. “During Diwali the best way to donate is to buy candles, diyas and home decor stuff from NGOs, prepared by various support groups. This helps them earn something, besides encouraging them to be creative. Apart from this, I also give clothes and sweets to children in blind school,” says fitness and nutrition coach, Sonia Bajaj.
“Occasions like Diwali are a feel-good celebration of life. I distribute bright garments, accessories and yummy treats to some NGOs that I support. For me it’s my humble expression of sharing and caring during Diwali,” says Kavita Ashok, model and etiquette expert.
Diwali is that one time of the year when people and communities come together, and it’s also a good opportunity to show your concern for the community, feels Nikhil Wason, co-founder of Cardback. He says, “During festivals people like to spread happiness. People exchange gifts during celebrations, but personally I feel that instead of spending on pleasing relatives and friends, one can utilise that money in helping the not so fortuante. I distribute stationery items and sweets among students of municipal schools during Diwali.”
Apart from clothes, blankets and food, there are also many people who help skilled workers professionally. Designer Amit Talwar says, “I support Seva Prakalp, an NGO which helps rural people improve their conditions. However, on Diwali I send gifts and old sewing machines so that the girls who work with them can learn stitching and earn their livelihood.”
Similarly, designer Swati Vijaivargie Jain mentions that her family supports Oxfam India and SOS Children all year round. She says, “We have taken responsibility to educate children of our employees. During Diwali, we also distribute gifts and sweets among them.”