Islamabad, Oct. 24: Adding to the woes of Pakistan’s former military ruler, Mr Pervez Musharraf, a group of religious scholars has issued a ‘fatwa’ declaring him “fit to be murdered” while a petition filed in the Supreme Court has sought registration of a high treason case against him.
The edict was issued by politicians and religious scholars during a meeting organised by the Jamhoori Watan Party and presided over by its chief, Nawabzada Talal Akbar Bugti, the son of Nawab Akbar Bugti. It declared that Mr Musharraf, who is preparing to return to the Pakistani political arena, “wajibul qatal (fit to be murdered).”
It was issued over killing of Nawab Akbar
Bugti and Nawabzada Balach Marri. Mr Talal Bugti has already announced a bounty of PakRs 1 billion for anyone who beheads Mr Musharraf.