Dec 7: Pakistani-Canadian terror suspect Tahawwur Hussain Rana, co-accused with Lashkar-e-Taiba operative David Headley in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks case, will go on trial in a federal court here Feb 14.
Wearing an orange jumpsuit and leg shackles Rana stood before US District Judge Harry Leinenweber here Monday as defence and prosecution attorneys hashed out dates and details of the trial, according to Fox News.
Rana, 49, and Pakistani American Headley, who has confessed to his role in the November 2008 attacks that killed 166 people, were indicted Feb 15 for their "roles in India and Denmark Terrorism Conspiracies".
Rana, who has pleaded not guilty, is accused of providing "material support" for the attack. Rana and Headly were also allegedly part of a plot to attack a Danish newspaper that printed a controversial cartoon about prophet Mohammed.
Rana's lawyer Patrick W Blegen told Leinenweber that they haven't yet got all of the transcripts of recorded conversations involving their client.
Many of those recordings need to be translated, so the defence says it needs time to get that done, but will be ready for the February court date.
Blegen told the judge they need to know what evidence the government deems classified. Sensitive material may have to be presented behind closed doors. The judge set another status hearing for Dec. 13 to address that.
A bearded and bespectacled Rana calmly glanced around the half empty courtroom as his attorneys spoke, Fox said.
The trial is expected to take a month.