Sesamum indicum or gingelly is one of the oldest herbs known to man. In fact, man started cultivating this herb almost 4,500 years ago. Sesamum has been associated with a number of civilisations, including the Egyptian, Middle Eastern and Indus Valley. The medicinal properties of Sesamum have been exploited to their fullest in almost all systems of medicine. It is believed that the plant had its origin in Africa and later spread to the world.
Sesamum is known to induce abortions if consumed in large quantities. It is therefore wise for pregnant women to avoid using it in large quantities. Sesamum seed and leaves are used in medicinal preparations. The seeds can be used raw, roasted or in the form of an oil extracted from them. Grind the leaves to obtain a paste and use this for external applications.
The medicinal properties of Sesamum are many. But it is valued for its cholesterol-lowering properties. Other medicinal uses include the treatment of piles, skin troubles including burns and wounds, loose motions, dandruff, low haemoglobin content (anaemia), rheumatoid arthritis and tooth decay. It also promotes hair growth. The herb can also
be consumed as a health tonic.
Caution: Those allergic to
certain herbs may avoid them
Disclaimer: Consult a
professional before trying herbal formulations at home