Labels and brands have major flaunt value today. But there are some youngsters who cock a snook at this trend. They don’t care about brands and don what they think is cool as long as it comes for the right price. These smart shoppers are creating their own styles without bowing to high-end brands that have changed the face of consumerism today.
“Branded clothes are so exorbitantly priced that it becomes impossible for a college student to afford them,” says Stuti Kohli, 23. Known in her circle for her massive wardrobe, she boasts of a huge collection of clothes. “I have an outfit for every mood,” she adds proudly. She swore off branded clothes in her first year of college and has been shopping in flea-markets ever since.
“In college I needed lots of clothes, and flea markets were just the place to get good clothes at cheap prices. Why spend a bomb for a look you can pull off in just your pocket money savings was my funda then. And it has stuck with me,” says Stuti.
“Clothes don’t define who you are, you define your clothes,” are the wise words of Ankita Mahabir, 22. This bubbly girl, studying to be an actor, loves to shop and says, “The right clothes can only go so far, it’s how you carry them that make you stand out. No brand can buy you a personality,” she adds.
“It’s important to merchandise your clothes with accessories and bags. Shoes can go a long way in making your outfit complete. I like to experiment and have never felt branded clothes were the only good way to shop. Some of my best buys are from Sarojini Nagar market,” says Manasi Chatpalliwar, a law student.
So it really doesn’t matter “who” you are wearing, what matters is how you are wearing it. Creating your own style is a unique gift and if you know how to do it cheap and yet look like a million bucks, you should be hired by those brands!