There is nothing that can dent the spirits of Delhiites, not even a terror attack. When the blast took place this Wednesday, Delhi was in a state of shock, but it soon picked up the rhythm of daily life and returned to normalcy. And even though the city is on high alert, Delhiites say their weekend funfare stands unaltered.
Varun Bansal, an entrepreneur, thinks that for many people terror attacks are reduced to a mere piece of news. He says, “We react for a while and then get busy with our schedule. Even though we had a major blast, none of the parties or events in the coming weekend were canceled. I am aware that the city is on high-alert but I’ll be partying this weekend too. So there is nothing that has changed due to the blasts.”
Surbhi Thakur, a DU student who resides in the South-Ex market, mentions that barely two days after the blast, markets were back to normal. She says, “Shops shut early on the first day, but as the weekend approached people flocked the stores again. As the wedding sales are on, people were seen shopping like nothing had happened. Even I went to shop at Lajpat Nagar with my friends and except the heightened security there wasn’t much of a difference.”
Not just Delhiites but society as a whole is getting used to such grim incidents, opines Dr Prashant K. Tiwari, a clinical psychologist.
“City dwellers in most metros are so caught up in their own life that there is no time for them to think about such incidents. It is sad but we are turning numb and tragedies like terror attacks are also not affecting us. After a point we get back to normal because life does not stop,” he says.