Does one call a flop a hit?
What does someone — anyone — mean by asking, “Is the film a flop?” A film’s success ratio is measured by the cost-versus-recovery pattern. Or it depends upon what it was expected to collect by whom.
Women, from my eyes only
I say that because I am not sure if it’s God or the Devil or Mother Nature or Father Universe who created a woman. But the effect of a woman on a man is as mysteriously powerful as an asteroid hurling across the universe. The other day, I saw Murder 2 in a cinema hall. It was obvious that the males in the audience,
Truths and lies that make crime fascinating
I am often asked why crime fascinates me. To that my reply is as simple as this: anything out of the ordinary fascinates me and I am not alone in this. More than 70 per cent of daily news hinges on murders, scams and conspiracies. And that’s because even the reader’s and the television viewer’s mind is fascinated by crime.