Vikram Bhatt

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Bitten by the sequel bug

The most common thing I have heard people say after a great evening is, “Hey, that was fun! Let’s do that again sometime!” To seek the repeat of a pleasurable event is the weakness of human kind and marketing honchos all over the world have used that sensation-seeking instinct in us to a great advantage. Make it a pleasurable experience the first time and they will come again.

What’s with celeb bashing?


I was on Twitter and was getting used to broadcasting my thoughts and agenda on the world wide web. Though it is a bit tough to do in the beginning, one does get used to it. It started with one hate response and very soon I realised that there were less good things that people had to say to me and a whole load of hurtful things, and of that a lot was personal in nature.

In search of perfection


I am in Copenhagen. The temperature outside is minus five and we are looking for the locations for my next 3D film which will be India’s first action film to be shot on exotic Scandinavian locales. Sounds like an advert, does it not? Well, if I don’t keep telling myself that then I keep asking myself why the hell am I doing this.

Herculean task is finally over

To do anything in this place is difficult, but to do something new is even more difficult or rather difficult, plus the minimum requirement to tolerate everyone that stands up to discourage you. I wanted to make the first stereoscopic 3D film of India like Avatar and that was the mission of my company and me. We embarked on a project called Haunted and this piece is in a way premature because Haunted has not released and become some runaway hit. Well, at least not yet but it is still a celebration of sorts because we managed to finish the film and make it in 3D and that too with no stone unturned.

Kiran is the new storyteller

Aamir Khan in a still from Dhobi Ghat

This week belongs to a very different film called Dhobi Ghat and the chatter around it.

Casting couch is a trade off

I have been shooting day in and out and have been keeping really long hours. So I have been a tad out of touch with the entertainment news and the happenings in Bollywood. Therefore I was a little taken aback when the story of Onir molesting a male actor at his house came to me. “Onir?” I asked. “Apna Onirban?” “Yes, Yes, Yes!”

‘Amisha is all her grandmother had’

Amisha and I have a common friend, actually she is more Amisha’s friend than mine and I met her when I was with Amisha. Her name is Shalini and she lives in New York. So, on a trip to New York whilst Amisha was busy shopping, Shalu, as we call her, and I were having some corn on the cob and discussing life when the

Don’t let the multitude rule

I love this one. A wife tells her obese husband to hit the gym and get into shape. The husband yawns and shoots back that he is very much in shape. Round is a shape! Cracks me up but also makes me fall in love with the attitude. I remember meeting Kangna when she first came into the industry. She looked a little ill at ease but then I

‘Art has a right over movies too’

While doing some research on the subject of art versus entertainment, I came to this very interesting website called and read these priceless nuggets there and thought they would be fantastic to start a debate on the subject.

An obsession with the self called fame

Baby, look at me, and tell me what you see
You ain’t seen the best of me yet
Give me time I’ll make you forget the rest
I got more in me, and you can set it free
I can catch the moon in my hand
Don’t you know who I am?

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I want to begin with a little story that was told to me by a leading executive at Aptech. He was exercising in a gym with a lot of younger people.

Shekhar Kapur’s Bandit Queen didn’t make the cut. Neither did Shaji Karun’s Piravi, which bagged 31 international awards.