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Hurt Locker stole story: US soldier

Southfield, Michigan: A US Army sergeant who is suing the makers of Oscar-nominated film The Hurt Locker said on Wednesday he felt betrayed because they stole his story.
Master Sergeant Jeffrey S. Sarver, 38, has filed a lawsuit claiming that the film makers turned an account of his tense experiences defusing bombs in Iraq into the highly regarded action-thriller without his consent.

Egyptian queen burial chamber found

Cairo: French archaeologists announced on Wednesday the discovery outside Cairo of the burial chamber of a mysterious queen from Egypt’s Old Kingdom more than 4,000 years ago.

Extra-small condoms for 12-yr-olds

London: Switzerland has probably become the first country in the world to sell extra-small condoms for boys as young as 12 years, though the official age of consent in the land-locked nation is 16.

AI to rescue Kavi crew, will fly them to Oscars

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altNew Delhi: Air India has come to the rescue of cast and crew members of Oscar-nominated short film Kavi, who had no money to buy tickets to fly to Los Angeles for the award function, by providing them complimentary tickets.
“Air India has provided four complimentary tickets to the cast and crew members of Kavi as part of its corporate social responsibility and the team would be flying to New York from Mumbai’s Chhatrapati Shivaji International airport on Wednesday night,” an Air India official told PTI.

I can never hate India, says Husain

Thiruvananthapuram: R-enowned painter M.F. Husain, who has accepted Qatar nationality, feels that the attack against him by right wing outfits in India that forced him into exile for 12 years was targeted at art and self-expression rather than his Muslim identity.

Oscars ban producer of Hurt Locker

Los Angeles: Nicolas Chartier, one of the four nominated producers of film Hurt Locker, has been barred by the Academy from attending the Oscar awards gala on March 7.

‘Pretty women make men reckless’

Washington: If you think that young men take more risks around attractive women just to impress them, think again, for a new study has claimed that the presence of beautiful females elevates male’s testosterone hormone levels.
To examine the links between physical risk-taking in young men and the presence of attractive women, researchers conducted a field experiment with young male skateboarders.

Rourke will star opposite Freida Pinto

Los Angeles: Oscar-nominated Mickey Rourke will play the villain opposite Slumdog Millionaire act-ress Freida Pinto in Greek mythology film War of the Gods. The 25-year-old Indian star plays a Greek priestess in the movie, which is being directed by Tarsem Singh and begins production in April.

‘Earliest ever’ form of English discovered

London: Archaeologists have discovered a 500-year-old inscription on a cathedral wall in Britain, which they claim is the earliest ever form of the English language.

‘Oestrogen can kill prostate cancer cells’

Washington: Prostate cancer is treated by withdrawing male hormone testosterone from the patient, but while this kills most of the cells, the few that remain lead to recurrent, incurable disease. Now, scientists have come up with an unexpected way to treat the disease, by using oestrogen, a hormone normally associated with women, a key brea-kthrough which they claim could pave the way for new treatments.

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I want to begin with a little story that was told to me by a leading executive at Aptech. He was exercising in a gym with a lot of younger people.

Shekhar Kapur’s Bandit Queen didn’t make the cut. Neither did Shaji Karun’s Piravi, which bagged 31 international awards.