Toxic water level increases in Japan's crippled N-plant
The embattled operator of Japan's radiation-leaking Fukushima nuclear complex today said the level of toxic water in two of the six reactors of the plant has risen, which is hampering the critical
Japan to put on hold plans to build new nuclear plants: Kan
Japan will freeze plans to build new atomic facilities and carry out a thorough review of its nuclear energy policy, Prime Minister Naoto Kan said on Monday, as robots engaged at the crippled Fukushim
TEPCO to compensate people affected by N-crisis in Fukushima
Japanese government on Friday ordered the embattled operator of radiation-leaking Fukushima nuclear plant to urgently pay USD 12,000 in provisional compensation to each of 50,000 affected households n
Steel wall being built to prevent radiation in Pacific
Workers racing against time are building a wall of steel and enclosing materials in the sea on Saturday, just outside the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant to prevent radioactive water seeping into the Pacific Ocean.
4 killed in strongest aftershock in Japan since March 11 quake
At least four people were killed and 140 injured in the most powerful aftershock that jolted Japan since the devastating March 11 quake and tsunami, heightening concerns over the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant where engineers battled hard to tackle an atomic crisis.
Japan govt slams TEPCO for 'unacceptable' data error
Japanese government today blasted the operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant for its 'absolutely unacceptable' mistake of giving an extremely high radiation reading, as engineers battled