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Slowdown hinders campus placements

Various corporate firms have deferred their campus placement plans for this year. The placements, originally scheduled to begin from July, have now been postponed indefinitely with firms citing “toug

Drought, recession have hit growth: DVS

Agreeing that Karnataka was lagging behind Bihar in growth, Chief Minister D.V. Sadananda Gowda attributed this slow rate of growth to the severe drought and the global meltdown.

Referring to data av

Britons told to work harder and stop complaining


There is only one way Britons can drag their country out of recession: 'work harder', Foreign Secretary William Hague said in an interview published on Sunday.

Hague said Britain's national work ethi

Britain slides back into recession


Britain was back in recession on Wednesday after its economy shrank in the first quarter while Prime Minister David Cameron said the country was being buffetted by the European downturn.

Gross domest

Recession-threatened Britain awaits key growth data


Britain on Wednesday finds out whether it is officially back in recession, or if the non-eurozone member has avoided a fresh downturn amid severe cuts to state spending and spreading debt tensions.

Indian employees may get lower salary hike in 2012, says survey

Employees across corporate India are expected to get a lower average salary hike of 11.54 per cent in 2012 compared to last year as companies are grappling with sluggish economic activities, says a su

IMF director says global recovery very fragile


The managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said on Tuesday that the global economy is making some advances in digging itself out of a punishing recession, but that the recovery rem

Yahoo layoffs to begin ‘next week’

Yahoo will begin layoffs of thousands of employees next week and will announce a plan to restructure the company the week after that, according to a media report.

Yahoo declined to comment.

The layo

Denmark officially in recession

Denmark has entered a recession, official data showed on Friday, after growth figures for the fourth quarter of 2011 were revised to show a 0.1-percent contraction.

In February, the national statisti

Britain braced for more austerity in budget


Britain unveils an annual budget on Wednesday that is likely to build on the coalition government's deficit-slashing austerity strategy, while also seeking to grow a recession-threatened economy.


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I want to begin with a little story that was told to me by a leading executive at Aptech. He was exercising in a gym with a lot of younger people.

Shekhar Kapur’s Bandit Queen didn’t make the cut. Neither did Shaji Karun’s Piravi, which bagged 31 international awards.