Policing at DU campus set for overhaul
Adding fresh dimensions to the concept of policing, the Delhi police will set up “help desks” and “women booths” across Delhi University on an experimental basis to increase the visibility of its force as a measure to curb crime. If the experiment is successful, it will be extended to other areas of the city.
Delhi police commissioner B.K. Gupta said four help desks and three women booth will be set up in the next two to three days in the area of Maurice Nagar police station. The station caters to all the colleges of Delhi University’s north campus. “Increasing visibility of police in residential and commercial area is a necessity for curbing crime. I have a belief that people usually refrain from doing an unlawful activity when the police is around,” Mr Gupta said.
Mr Gupta said six PCR vans will patrol the Maurice Nagar police station area on 24-hour basis and more woman will be posted at the station to increase the “comfort level” of a victim, most of whom, he said, refrain from reporting any unlawful activity, “Its about the comfort level. When a victim sees a woman police officer, it is more likely that cases like use of abusive language and snatching will get reported more often, which in other circumstances remain unreported. Maurice Nagar police station will have a woman station house officer and the emphasis will be on posting more woman officer in this station,” Mr Gupta said.
An elaborate map has been prepared wherein Maurice Nagar has been divided into three divisions. There will be two help desks near Miranda House and one opposite Sri Ram college.
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