Learn from every experience and try not to repeat patterns that do not work. Try not to talk about any ongoing, important project at work till it has completed successfully. Self-promotion at work will not endear you to colleagues, and it may be a better idea to keep a low profile. Look at ways to make small savings to ensure a smoother cash flow. While planning for any long term, future expenses, keep inflation in mind. Those going through a break-up should indulge in introspection instead of ‘playing the field’ to soothe their bruised ego. Make sure you do not drive when tired or drink as there is a chance of an accident.
Keep a competitive spirit within rational limits, and do not make it into a stressful struggle. This is a positive phase if you are trying for a promotion or a change in job, but you must ensure you are completely prepared for interviews and evaluations. Any creative project would require a large amount of preparatory work. Self-employed businesspersons who want to sign on a new client or project would have to deal with fierce competition. Any work-related travel would be successful. Keep a track of your investment portfolio if you invest in the stock market, and make appropriate changes. Be careful with valuables and important documents, as there is the possibility of theft. Those who want to conceive a child are in a positive phase, even if they need medical help. Singles on an initial date should keep any strong views to themselves.
Avoid any impulsive, premature decisions that can lead to further complications. Be sure about what you want to achieve before taking any action. New projects at work may require a little extra study and planning. Make sure you understand the projects’ requirements before starting, so you do not waste time. Self-employed businesspersons are in a very positive phase, and meetings and negotiations would be successful. Follow up with your legal counsel for paperwork. Do not tie your finances up in any long term risky investments. Look at safety in investments rather than quick, huge returns. Seek out new, like-minded people instead of staying in the same social rut. Step back and spend time with yourself if you feel jaded and not interested in socialising. Singles may want to analyse past relationship patterns and make needed changes before getting into a new relationship.
Let go of situations that are going nowhere, and focus on what you need to accomplish in the present. Handle competitive colleagues intelligently, and be as subtle as possible if you need to let them know you are aware of their intentions. Listen to inputs from others, but do not let it affect your judgment. Self-employed businesspersons who have to travel for work may face delays and could even have to go back a second time. Legal matters would get sorted out fairly easily, but you must ensure all paperwork is absolutely correct. Singles may not be in the mood to socialise aggressively. Spend time with a close friend instead.
Focus on prioritising if you find your current schedule too chaotic. Discussions with your boss need to be handled in a diplomatic manner. Give opinions only as necessary, and do not offer any unasked for advice. Do not get pulled into any problems with colleagues. Self-employed businesspersons must handle competitors intelligently. Make sure you do not make any exaggerated claims in your marketing. Any personal matter should be discussed only with friends you really trust and whose advice has been proven right in the past.
Recognise any unpleasant situations and walk away from them as soon as possible, while you are still able to. Try and stick to deadlines at work, even if there are unavoidable delays and communication glitches. Focus on completing projects efficiently instead of getting caught up in any blame game. Self-employed businesspersons should remain a little cautious if getting into any partnership. Make sure your legal counsel checks all documents before you sign them, and take a second opinion if necessary. Pay extra attention to finances, particularly budgets and the amount you keep aside for investments. Make sure you have accurate numbers instead of projected finances. Any legal matter involving property should be handled carefully. Make sure you do not succumb to unfair pressure. Pressurising your spouse or partner to agree with what you want may give short term victory, but can result in resentment.
Take a firm stand when needed and do not be afraid to express yourself (in appropriate terms). Put in your best at work, even if you feel you get less than you actually deserve. Learn all you can in your current job instead of doing only as much as necessary. Speak up during any meetings or brainstorming sessions if you have an idea or the data needed. Self-employed businesspersons with business concerns or clients abroad may need to travel or plan travel in the near future. Use profits from investments to pay off part of a debt if you find it a little difficult to keep up with EMI payments. Keep a watch on what you eat, especially if you eat out often. Look for comparatively lighter options. Be willing to step back and let your spouse have her/his way if there is a situation that is stuck.
Try and diffuse difficult situations instead of letting the problem escalate. Make sure that you do not bring ego issues into the matter. Finish all paperwork promptly and act quickly on any information you receive at work. Ensure accounts are accurate. Self-employed businesspersons may need to subtly promote themselves. Any work-related travel would be successful. Try not to spend unnecessarily on others, even family members who have their own income and can pay for themselves. Look at your equation with siblings from a fresh perspective, even if it means a change in the bond you share. Any emotional outburst towards your partner should be handled in its perspective.
Speak your mind, but try not to come across as too harsh or judgmental. A softer, more diplomatic approach would work better. Remember that you cannot take back words once spoken. Be careful not to take undue advantage of a good equation you might share with your boss. Self-employed businesspersons might need to upgrade skills and understand any technological advances in the industry. Spiritual practices may sometimes seem like two steps forward and one step back, but you just need to stick with it patiently. Singles should try and expand their social network and actively try to meet different people.
Welcome any slight upheaval as an opportunity to make necessary changes and push you out of any sense of apathy. Put in your best at work even if you are not enthused with current projects. Do not let any feelings of boredom reflect on your quality of work. Self-employed businesspersons need to be a little cautious about whom they trust, especially if the person has not proved trustworthy in the past. Stay away from ‘friends’ who drain your energy and leave you feeling depressed. Avoid unnecessary arguments with your spouse or partner, especially if you are in a generally irritable mood.
Try and balance spiritual inclinations with material needs to get the perfect balance that works for you. Ensure clarity in communication at work, as an unnecessary misunderstanding could cause confusion. Make sure you listen to colleagues and back off when necessary. Self-employed businesspersons are in an extremely positive phase. Those who want to expand their business network should start the process if they have not already begun. Stay away from relatives who have been absent and unconcerned in the past, and detach from any family drama.
Honest analysis and thought over the past will not be a waste if you are willing to learn its lessons. Take help from a mentor at work if stuck with a project. Be a little careful while discussing your personal life with colleagues as they might tend to gossip. Self-employed businesspersons should invest in any new project only after careful research. Take intelligent advice at face value and do not brush it off because you do not like the source. A relationship or friendship that is going through a difficult patch would need a little extra care and nurturing. Singles should not expect too much from any initial dates.