Firms opt for spunk
The denim-clad, iPod-sporting, 20-something generation is rewriting the rules of India Inc. And companies are embracing the change. For instance, Godrej and Amex try to bridge the gap between the young workers and the old school ones through bonding exercises. Infosys uses social media and social activities to induce some spunk. Airtel has reverse mentoring programmes where young people coach their leaders and most companies are coming up with succession planning, flexible work timings and role reversals.
Explaining this phenomenon, Harish Bijoor of Harish Bijoor Consults Inc., says, “Now the job market is wider, there are newer opportunities that make it necessary to engage the younger lot more effectively to target young consumers as 72 per cent of demographic is below 35 years of age. Companies need to adapt significantly to the changing demographic. With the entrance of Gen X and Y into the workforce, the workforce issues are different; so are their expectations and aspirations. Even HR teams are getting younger and it won’t be surprising if they’ll have special pub or spa allowances to woo Gen Y workers.”
Ramesh Kaul, business head of Jolen Inc., feels that the global workforce is accommodating an influx of younger workers, prompting many companies to implement programmes they had never considered. He says, “Most companies are getting liberal with dress codes, flexi scheduling and role changes as even organisations are now being headed by younger executives. And the same is the case with our company too. In fact, many a times even I’ve been inspired by the 20-something workers in certain aspects.”
He feels that having a youthful perspective is the only way out. “With nearly half of India’s billion-plus people under the age of 25, we have the youngest population in the world. So we need to harness the skills and talent of young people, in a growing economy, at a time when most countries have ageing populations,” adds Ramesh.
Employees are happy with the change. Anand K., a program manager with a popular IT company, says, “We have networking sessions, where both the young and old workers participate and share their perspectives and it helps. At the end of the day everyone’s agenda is the same – to get the best results. It’s just that we have found interesting and more energetic ways of accomplishing them.”
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