March on for a healthy body
Marching on the spot:
Marching on the spot is one of the most common warm up exercises before starting a comprehensive exercise session. Here’s how you can do it right and reap maximum benefits from this simple exercise.
To begin with, stand straight and take a deep breath. While marching on the spot, observe the pattern of your breath. Make it a point to inhale through your nose but exhale from your mouth. Take a long deep breath in one go through your nose and exhale in four short breaths through the mouth. While doing so, make a loud sound like “hoooooo”, releasing all the pent up stress and tension. Continue marching for a minimum of five minutes and maintain the breathing pattern throughout those five minutes. Depending on your strength and stamina you can continue doing it for 10 minutes or more.
Benefits: Marching on the spot greatly helps gear your metabolism. It also helps relieve one of tension and dullness.
The writer is a successful yoga master
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