Sugar key to recipe
For a coffee drinker and a whisky aficionado, it doesn’t get better than a perfectly made, hot cup of Irish Coffee. Hot cocktails are rarely on offer but the classic ones have stood the test of time and continue to remain on menus.
“Although the recipe is very basic — two parts whisky, four parts coffee and almost two parts fresh cream, the brown sugar is important to the recipe, even if you like to have sugarless black coffee otherwise,” says Amit Trivedi, a bartender.
Trivedi adds that the cream is not to be mixed or stirred but instead the coffee be drunk through the cream. “The sugar lets the cream float longer, and that’s the trick to having the cream remain till the end. Most people make it sugarless and stir the cream and at the end you’re just drinking latte with whisky,” Trivedi adds.
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evelyn nacion
07 Sep 2012 - 10:18
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