Striking a ‘cord’
Heavy rain causes my DTH set-top box to act up. Sometimes, the picture goes away and the message ‘no signal’ is displayed. At times, the picture freezes, or the colour appears as a mosaic pattern. How can this be avoided?
Deep, Mumbai
The satellite signals are in KU band, with a narrow band-width, making them sensitive to weather change. Hence, the signals get cut off when there is heavy downpour and the ‘no signal’ message is generated. Picture freezing is an indication of software glitches and the mosaic pattern indicates a weak signal. However, performing the following doesn’t always ensure that these problems will get resolved. Switch off the box not with the remote, but from the socket where it is plugged. Then remove the viewing card (located in the front under a flap in most boxes), clean the small chip in the card with a soft cloth, and reinsert it. Switch on the box. It will display the ‘loading’ message, and in 80 per cent of the cases, problems get resolved.
New generation headphones
Cordless Headphones
Most headphones are connected to the sound source with a shielded cord. But the trend is shifting towards cordless headphones. Bluetooth and other wireless technologies like Wi-Fi and FM have further boosted their demand. Chargeable lithium cells power most small cordless phones with a small built-in receiver, or these headphones are a component of a powerful receiver system. The sound reaches the headphones from the source through a transmitter eliminating the use of the cord.
Noise-cancelling headphones
The credit for introducing this technology goes to Amar Bose, the founder of the world-renowned Bose Corporation — pioneers of high-end speaker systems and various other major innovations in the audio world. Dissatisfied with the poor sound quality from headphones due to the disturbance of the engine noise during his air travel, he initiated the research on noise-cancelling headphones. After nearly a decade of intensive research his company released their first model of noise canceling headphones. In noise-cancelling headphones, the goal is to not only reduce ambient sound, but to practically cancel it out. This is achieved by an integrated micro circuitry of tiny microphones and pinhead semiconductors. This circuit creates an anti-noise, which cancels the ambient noise and makes music listening an unforgettable audio experience.
Monsoon tips
Once you switch off the TV, dust clings on to the picture tube due to static generated. This reduces picture clarity — not noticeable immediately, because it’s a gradual process. Take a slightly moist cloth and clean the picture tube surface. Rub it with a dry cloth.
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