For those sore muscles
Follow these yoga tips for a tighter chest and loosened back muscles
To begin, lie flat on your back with your knees bent, heels close to your buttocks and toes pointing in the same direction. If possible, hold onto your ankles with both hands. If not, simply place your hands down on both sides of you body.
As you inhale, push your heels down while you raise your pelvis upwards and tighten your buttocks. As you exhale, lower your body to the floor. This is one round. Practice 10 rounds.
During the last round, stay in the bridge pose for about 10 breaths while breathing slowly and deeply.
After 10 breaths, lower your body to the floor, straighten both legs and place your palms facing down underneath your buttocks. As you inhale, raise your chest upwards as you tilt your head back within any strain in your neck. Support yourself with your elbows. Stay in the fish pose for about 10 counts.
To release, slowly lower your body to the floor and relax.
Benefits: The bridge pose is excellent for opening the pelvis and the chest while relieving backache and tightness in the hip. At the same time, it is great for people with round shoulders and helps to improve digestion. The fish pose gives the pelvic region a good stretch, alleviates stiffness in the back and encourages deep breathing.
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