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Chennai running out of breath

Chennai seems to be in news for all the unhealthy reasons. After being labelled the diabetes capital of the country, it is now being called the asthma capital.

With vehicle population in TN crossing

Heat-stress cases flood doctors in Chennai


With the mercury inching towards the 40-degree mark, city doctors are receiving cases of heat stress, especially in patients with heart disease and long-term diabetes. Even as the summer is known to s

Measles kills four kids, affects over 80 in Odisha

An outbreak of measles has killed four children and affected over 80 people - mostly young ones aged below five - in Odisha's Rayagada district in the past week, officials said on Monday.

The first c

Body sound to be music to doctors’ ears

When an older doctor puts his stethoscope to your chest he may hear ‘lub-dub lub-dub’, but, soon, younger medicos may hear it go ‘tak-dina-din’.

Experts in the city are looking to record the heart so

Making maximum of minimum intervention


Hi-tech, minimally invasive procedures to treat cardio-vascular diseases, lung disorders, hyper tension and even cancer are unfolding in another round of revolution in medical science.

“We are lookin

Back pain, high BP haunt cops

Nine out of ten policemen in Kochi city were diagnosed with high blood pressure and back pain; this was revealed in a medical camp held at Maharaja’s College on Friday.

The camp which was held as pa

Regular donors to get blood free

The Tamil Nadu health department has decided to create a separate list of regular donors who donate blood every three months and make sure that they are on the privilege list and get blood free of cos

Docs watch live MITRA clip procedure

Cardiologists attending a national conference here had the unique opportunity to watch live a noninvasive procedure for repairing the leaky heart valve.

The process called MITRA clip procedure, whic

First bloodless surgery in Kochi

In a first of its kind, doctors at Sunrise Hospital, Kakkanad, here, have successfully performed a bloodless bowel surgery in a patient with profuse bleeding and a very low haemoglobin level of two gm

Swiss woman starved doing 'sunlight' fast: Report

Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger reports that a woman starved to death after embarking on a spiritual diet that required her to stop eating or drinking and live off sunlight alone.

The Zurich newspaper

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I want to begin with a little story that was told to me by a leading executive at Aptech. He was exercising in a gym with a lot of younger people.

Shekhar Kapur’s Bandit Queen didn’t make the cut. Neither did Shaji Karun’s Piravi, which bagged 31 international awards.