Yogi Ashwini
The journey of the soul
Soul is a unique pranic frequency. In unmanifested form it exists as the part of Para Brahma just as salt exists in ocean. Only when it desires a certain experience or a set of experiences, it chooses to go through the cycle of karmas or birth and death. The basic reason of the soul separating from the source is ego, or recognising one’s existence as an individual. The ancients called it “asmita”, “I”. This was the first step we took when we separated ourselves from the Divine Consciousness which is sukshma-iti-sukshma, subtlest of the subtle, the unmanifested. Ego led the soul to realise that it is an individual and so came into existence the jeev-atma.
The forgotten rishi
There would hardly be anyone who has not heard the Gayatri Mantra — Om bhur bhuvah svah, tat savitur varenyam, bhargo devasya dhimahi, dhiyo yo nah prachodayaat.
The power of agni
Agni, fire, is the first word of the Rig Veda. According to ayurveda, the various agnis in the body are at constant work, burning body fuel and along with it the body’s resources. For example, in the process of converting food into energy, the internal chemical processes affect the body’s internal organs. The heavier the food, the more the resources required to burn it and convert it into energy, and the more the body ages.
The full moon night of Holi
The entire creation is nothing but a manifestation of energy. Every object of creation, all lokas (dimensions of existence) and yugas (dimensions of time) exist in energy forms. Interestingly, life exists only on planet earth, and various dimensions, which exist as a part of the etheric world, can be experienced and accessed only from here.
The evolved & their onus
If we look around us, we will find everyone asking the Divine all the time for something. Why should the Divine choose someone for a preferential treatment in this vast ocean of beggars?
Layered existence
Have you ever wondered why there are so many different kinds of creatures on this planet — insects, reptiles, animals, birds, humans and even divine beings? Even in humans we have many categories on the basis of religion, financial status, etc. Is it not apparent that everything is layer upon layers, some known and some unknown? Is it not strange that no trace of life has been found on any other planet or galaxy, and that it may never be? Ever wondered why? Ever wondered why in a room where we are alone, at times there is a definite feel of a presence, though the five senses perceive nothing?
Charity: Do and forget
Charity, one of the five yamas (must-dos) in the eight-fold path of yoga, forms an important part of the protocol of sadhana.
By charity we rise
The purpose of sadhana is evolution, and as you evolve you move up the pyramid, you become responsible for all those under you.
Catch your breath
Count the number of times you breathe in a minute. Now look at the mirror. Vedic rishis have said that if your breath count is less than 10 per minute, you will exude youth, beauty and glow. If it is above 15, you have fallen prey to disease, sadness and old age.
Astride wheels of fire
Whenever we are angry we feel a certain unstoppable rush within us. What is this rush that we feel?